Have you noticed how frustrated young people get whenever they hear someone talking about climate change, habitat loss, and the growing number of endangered animals? It is understandable they are sad and aggravated. They want to help but don’t know how or what steps to take.

Well, I’m glad you are here! This is your chance to be their hero!

This Toolkit provides you with the tools and resources to educate, empower, and inspire the next generation of conservation leaders. It shows you how to teach them to THINK like conservation leaders and gives students the steps to protect the animals they love!


Within This Toolkit, You'll Receive:

  • An eBook copy of ‘THINK LIKE A CONSERVATION LEADER.’ (Student Edition) With worksheets, interactive projects, and discussion questions to grow as a conservation leader. (Also, a link to Amazon to purchase printed copies. 
  • An eBook copy of ‘GROW YOUNG LEADERS LIKE A SILVERBACK GORILLA.’ (Educator Edition) With worksheets, discussion questions, and interactive projects that grow the next generation of conservation leaders.
  • An all-inclusive presentation slide deck highlighting key topics and discussion questions for online and in-person sessions. (Formats: PowerPoint and a printable PDF).
  • A set of companion, on-demand videos that bring the core leadership concepts to life and inspire the launching of real-life conservation projects, locally and globally. 
  • A set of fun, easy-to-start real-life conservation projects to get the students started down the path of Conservation Leadership.

Sign Up Now to Download Your "FREE" Toolkit Today! ($497 Value)