National Wildlife Day!

Today, we come together to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the wonderful wildlife around us. Established in 2005 by Colleen Paige, this day not only honors the memory of Steve Irwin but also calls upon individuals and businesses to advocate for wildlife conservation and habitat preservation.

Here are some ways you can celebrate and make a difference:

  1. Organize a Cleanup Event: Help keep our natural habitats clean and safe for wildlife.
  2. Volunteer: Spend your day at a wildlife rescue center or a botanical garden.
  3. Create a Wildlife-Friendly Garden: Make your backyard a haven for local wildlife.
  4. Educate Others: Share information about endangered species and conservation efforts.
  5. Go on a Nature Hike: Connect with nature and appreciate the beauty around you.
  6. Support Conservation Organizations: Donate or participate in their activities.

Businesses can also join the cause by hosting awareness campaigns, donating a percentage of sales, or collaborating with wildlife organizations.

Enjoy National Wildlife Day!

CS the Critter Saver


Do you want to stay up-to-date on all the National & International Animal Holidays? 

 Download your calendar now!

 Print it out and post it on your wall or refrigerator so you can enjoy it each day and celebrate the awesome animals you love!



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