Conversations & Celebrations!
with CS the Critter Saver

World Rhino Day!

Happy World Rhino Day!

Today, we honor these majestic creatures and raise awareness about them. 

There are five species of rhinos in the world:

  1. White Rhino: Also known as the Square-lipped rhino, white rhinos are the second largest land mammal and are known for their broad, flat lips, which they use for grazing.
  2. Black Rhino: Black rhinos are the smaller of the two African species. They have long, pointed lips that they use to eat foliage.
  3. Javan Rhino: Javan rhinos live in extreme conditions on the island of Java in Ujung Kulon National Park. They are one of the rhino species with only one horn.
  4. Sumatran Rhino: Sumatran rhinos are found in several scattered national parks in Indonesia, Sumatra, and Borneo. They were declared extinct in Malaysia in 2015.
  5. Greater One-Horned Rhino: Also known as the Indian rhino, this species is semi-aquatic and often inhabits swamps, forests, and riversides. It is another species with only one horn.

Each species is unique, with distinct...

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International Red Panda Day!


Let’s celebrate these adorable bamboo-munching ambassadors!  

Did You Know?

  1. Red Pandas are native to the high forests of the Eastern Himalayas, including regions in Nepal, India, Bhutan, Myanmar, and China. 
  2. Red Pandas primarily eat bamboo but also forage for insects, grubs, and even small mammals and birds. 
  3. Red Pandas are excellent climbers and spend a lot of time in trees, using their sharp, semi-retractable claws and long tails for balance.

Their population has declined by 50% in the last 20 years due to habitat loss, poaching, and climate change.

Do You Want To Help?

You can explore more about the Red Panda at the Red Panda Network (RPN) and how you can join their mission. RPN is a leading organization in red panda conservation. They focus on community-based conservation programs in Nepal, aiming to protect red panda habitats and educate local communities about the importance of conservation.

They also aim to restore more...

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Happy Plover Appreciation Day!

Happy Plover Appreciation Day! Today, we celebrate these charming little shorebirds that bring beauty and joy to our coastlines.

Look closely; can you spot the Plover?

These small shorebirds have plumage that perfectly blends in with their surroundings, allowing them to hide in plain sight on sandy shores. Their sandy gray backs make them nearly invisible against the beach.

Keep an eye out for their unique Hunting Dance: Plovers are known for their quirky hunting dance! As you can see, they perform a series of movements that help them catch insects and small invertebrates, making their feeding time quite a spectacle.

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National Mountain Chicken Frog Day!

Happy National Mountain Chicken Frog Day!

Today, we celebrate the Mountain Chicken Frog, a unique and critically endangered species. They were initially found across seven of the Caribbean islands and now can only be seen on Dominica and Montserrat. 

Sadly, they got their name "mountain chicken" because they are said to taste like chicken. They also face severe threats from habitat loss, overhunting, and a deadly chytrid fungus.

Despite these challenges, conservation efforts are ongoing. The Mountain Chicken Frog Recovery Programme, a global collaboration, is working tirelessly to save this species through captive breeding, habitat management, and innovative research. Dominica has also banned hunting and established a captive breeding facility to support these efforts.

Let’s give a big thank you to @officialzsl ZSL. The Zoological Society of London plays a significant role in conserving the Mountain Chicken Frog. They have helped establish a conservation breeding facility...

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International Manatee Day!

Happy International Manatee Day! Today, we come together to celebrate and raise awareness about these gentle giants, also known as sea cows, who are native to Florida and other coastal regions. Manatees are fascinating creatures that can weigh up to 1,200 pounds and live as long as 60 years, surviving solely on seagrass.

Manatees face numerous threats, including pollution, global warming, and hunting, leading to their endangered status. 

Let’s also give a big thank you to @ZooTampa for all they do to care for the manatees that arrive at their Critical Care Hospital.

The ZooTampa's Manatee Critical Care Center is a true champion in caring for distressed manatees. This non-profit acute care facility has treated over 400 manatees, focusing on rescue, rehabilitation, and release. The center's dedicated team works tirelessly to ensure each manatee receives the best possible care, from diagnostic labs and bloodwork to individualized fluid therapy.

Here is a fantastic example of...

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National Wildlife Day!

Today, we come together to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the wonderful wildlife around us. Established in 2005 by Colleen Paige, this day not only honors the memory of Steve Irwin but also calls upon individuals and businesses to advocate for wildlife conservation and habitat preservation.

Here are some ways you can celebrate and make a difference:

  1. Organize a Cleanup Event: Help keep our natural habitats clean and safe for wildlife.
  2. Volunteer: Spend your day at a wildlife rescue center or a botanical garden.
  3. Create a Wildlife-Friendly Garden: Make your backyard a haven for local wildlife.
  4. Educate Others: Share information about endangered species and conservation efforts.
  5. Go on a Nature Hike: Connect with nature and appreciate the beauty around you.
  6. Support Conservation Organizations: Donate or participate in their activities.

Businesses can also join the cause by hosting awareness campaigns, donating a percentage of sales, or collaborating with wildlife...

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International Primate Day!

Let's take a moment to appreciate our incredible primate cousins, from playful lemurs to wise orangutans and gorgeous gorillas. 

Did you know there are over 600 primate species and subspecies? How many can you name? 

Let’s also give a big thank you to @GraceGorillas  GRACE (Gorilla Rehabilitation and Conservation Education Center) for their devotion and loving care. GRACE is a unique primate sanctuary located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). It is the world's only sanctuary specifically dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of orphaned Grauer's gorillas.



Do you want to stay up-to-date on all the National & International Animal Holidays? 

 Download your calendar now!

 Print it out and post it on your wall or refrigerator so you can enjoy it each day and celebrate the awesome animals you love!

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September 2024 Awesome Animal Holidays Calendar

Let’s celebrate the animals you love and those you are about to meet! The Awesome Animal Holidays Celebrations Calendar is a year-long tribute to Earth's diverse and fascinating animals.

Think of these as your Passport to the Animals, where you’ll discover insights into the animal kingdom and important conservation efforts, from whales to pandas to big cats. It's a must-have for animal lovers and conservation enthusiasts, reminding us to appreciate and protect these remarkable critters throughout the year.

This is your chance to celebrate along with all the National and International days dedicated to honoring and celebrating these awesome animals.

During the month of September, you'll get the chance to meet the Manatee, hop with the Chicken Frog, gander with a goose, and much more! 


 Download your calendar now!

Print it out and post it on your wall or refrigerator so you can enjoy it each day and celebrate the awesome animals you love!


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Traveling the U.S. and promoting Painted Dog Conservation!

I’m so excited to share with you that throughout August, I’ll be following along with my friend, Wilton Nsimango, the Education and Community Development Programs Manager of Painted Dog Conservation, as he tours the U.S. promoting the work they are doing in Zimbabwe to educate and provide protection for this incredible species! 

Want to know where we’ll be and what we’ll be up to? Check out my latest Awesome Animal Adventure to see the itinerary and read more about African Painted Dog conservation: 

In partnership with: Association of Zoos and Aquariums SAFE African Painted Dogs, Painted Dog Protection, Painted Dog Conservation


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